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2000 i.u. of vitamin d and belly fat?

Can vitamin D help you lose weight?

0000-00-00 posted by: terry
karnhealthyRe: 2000 i.u. of vitamin d and belly fat?
2007-11-11 16:07:03

New Studies are showing that women with D levels that were low but not necessarily deficient had 40 percent more subcutaneous fat (the jiggly kind) then women who got enough of the vitamin.  But the real shocker:  Women with insufficient vitamin D levels had 80 percent more abdominal fat then their high-D peers. There is a connection between vitamin D deficiency and weight gain.

Get more information on supplements that can help you lose weight. 

terryRe: 2000 i.u. of vitamin d and belly fat?
0000-00-00 00:00:00

New studies are saying that vitamin D can help you lose weight!

betsyRe: 2000 i.u. of vitamin d and belly fat?
0000-00-00 00:00:00

I heard this too but how does vitamin D help you lose weight?

terryRe: 2000 i.u. of vitamin d and belly fat?
0000-00-00 00:00:00

What Vitamin D does is it activates a hormone that helps to control our body’s fat cell growth so without enough circulating Vitamin D this hormone is lowered. When we are vitamin D deficient this hormone that helps control the fat cells is lower causing our body's fat cells to multiple more rapidly leading to an increase in weight gain.

Taking vitamin D supplements is an easy way to help us lose weight and prevent more weight gain. The recommended dosage is 4,000 - 10,000mg. daily.

Although vitamin D (as synthesized by the skin from sunlight and or taken as a supplement) is indeed a nutrient, once in the bloodstream, it’s activated by the kidneys into a hormone called 1.25 dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25-D).  ”If you don’t have enough circulating vitamin D, the level of this hormone could be lower,” observes Dr. Kremer. “And this is critical because 1,25-D is a hormone that actually controls the growth of cells not just in fat but also in cancer.  So if you don’t have enough, you sort of lift off the brake a little on this growth, then the cells can go wild.”

Try: BioGenesis - Vitamin D 4000. 

Shop Now: for BioGenesis - Vitamin D 4000 90 vcaps

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