In recent years, yoga has become popular because of its many health benefits including weight loss. Most yoga sessions involve a fluid movement of a variety of physical positions while performing controlled breathing.

All you need for a yoga workout is enough space for a yoga mat and for your body to move 360 degrees. The more free space and breathing room you have the better.

Are you looking for an exercise that not only promotes weight loss, but also builds strength, increases flexibility, reduces stress and improves your mental health, giving you piece of mind?  Well, then yoga could be the perfect workout for you.

Create an area that is appealing and motivates you to workout regularly. During the warmer weather take your workout outdoors and enjoy the fresh air, it will help you get inspired.

And in the colder seasons, devote an area, if possible or part of an area for your yoga workout and meditation. Once you have an area established, it is as easy as adjusting the lighting, throwing your mat on the floor and choosing  a yoga workout.

Tips to improve your yoga workout:

  • If you are using a yoga video make sure you position your mat so that you are within a comfortable viewing range of the monitor, laptop or television.
  • Adjust the sound volume ahead of time.
  • Turn off phones, ringers, and any other items that can potentially distract you.
  • If possible have a source of fresh air.
  • Have a source of warmth. Do not practice yoga in a cold room.
  • Try to practice in natural light. A source of natural light is perfect, though not too much direct sun. Dim artifical sources of light, if possible.
  • Keep it clean. The mind is more able to be relaxed when your practice area is free of clutter. Stow your yoga props (mats, blankets, cushions etc.) in a cupboard or a basket.
  • Practice on a non-slip, level surface, such as a hardwood floor or a firm rug. A sticky mat is excellent as it provides some padding and non-slip surface.
  • Candles or essential oils are a great way to add a sensual, calming, relaxing setting to your workout.

Try: Show Now Yoga for Inflexible People 3 DVD Set (50 Routines)

Yoga Mat: Shop Now Tapas Ultra Nature Collection Yoga Mat 1/4″



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